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My Office, The Coffee Shop

I love it, I’m sitting at my favorite coffee shop, across the steet from Starbucks, and I just finished my lunch. It’s raining outside, and I chose to be here for the rain today, that and to finish an 1100 word Book review for Ashley Karyl. The eBook review is for his book How To Photograph Nudes Like a Professional. Great book on the topic of Professional NUde Photography, and how to be successful at it.

The review has been a long time coming as I’ve taken a while to read the book, it’s 328 pages long, and life tends to get in the way at times. I’m not complaining though. I can honestly say that being able to walk to the coffee shop and just write and relax, is a really great may to make a living! I will NEVER work for “The Man” ever again. Think about it, right now it’s 2:27 pm on Tuesday afternoon, and I’m sitting here at this great little coffee shop, while most everyone else, is stuck in a cubicle.

I’m not trying to be a snot or snob, it’s just the way it is, and it’s also the way I’ve decided it shall stay. I’d like to say I am the one who did this lifestyle design, but I had a hand from someone above or somewhere. My I.T. company went down the tubes with the economy, and I was forced to look for income elsewhere. No one was hiring so I started blogging and doing affiliate sales. So far so good!

So I am just “Going with it”, going with the flow of the day, which is writing each day for a total of maybe 2 hours a day, writing on topics I like to write about, and reading the things I like to read. Not to mention I get to also spend a ton of time with my two beautiful daughters each day instead of putting them in a day care facility and letting someone else raise them.

The thought of how people get up early to take their kids to daycare or preschool, then go to work for 8-10 hours a day, then pick up the kids and bring them home to feed them then put them to bed, disturbs me. It really does. The most precious moments in my daughters lives, would be missed or gone without me even seeing them, if that was the case.

I love the rain. I also like the sunshine, but in San Diego, rain is rare and much appreciated and enjoyed by me, not to mention it’s free water for my organic garden. We grow great tomato’s.

So I guess I just wanted to vent, no not vent, but shout that I am pretty darn happy about having found this new type of lifestyle, based on writing about the things I love(photography, making money and not working a regular job). I write on several blogs that I own, about Kindles, Pain Medication, running a successful dating site, The Rockabilly Music Scene, Photography, Physical Fitness through Kettlebells, and several others I am probably not thinking about.

Yeah I run a few blogs, each makes me a tidy sum of money and each money the amount goes up more and more. The secret is to write about topics that are Hot, or about things that people want, like gadgets, or problems(mental, physical or perceived). Look around for what people are desperate for, and write about it. Don’t just write about what you think would work, because chances are it may not. Give people what they want, not what you think they want.

Which brings to mind, what would you like to know about? I will write about it.

Anyway, back to my hot Spiced Chai Latte and the rain…

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